My Blog

The path toĀ wellbeing.

The core ofĀ one'sĀ spirit is made in new experiences!

Breaking Free from People-Pleasing: Rediscovering Our True Desires Jul 22, 2024

When we focus on pleasing other people, the irony is that we often fail to please ourselves. We put others' wants, desires, joy, and happiness ahead of our own, driven by a deep-seated need from childhood to feel safe by keeping others happy with us. Our brains link this external validation and...

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Want vs. Should Jul 16, 2024

Are you exhausting yourself trying to be a Good Boy or a Good Girl?  Before you discount this question ask yourself.   

Do you use the word “should” and follow it up with a weeks worth of guilt?   Do you ignore what you desire to do for the sake...

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Is Overwhelm Running the Show In Your Life? Jul 08, 2024

Do you feel like you have a slew of ideas and no time to turn then into reality?  

Do you KNOW your potential and also grievethat it is horrifically UNTAPPED?   

Do you fear that time is passing you by? 

Do you long to share your talents, creativity, joy,...

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Ready to Heal. Ready to Deal. Ready to Feel. Jul 01, 2024

“Why should I share what’s going on in my life?”   “Why would I put my heavy burdens on another?” “What is the point of opening up?”  “What is talking to anyone going to change,…get me, …what good will...

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Enjoy a Vibrant Summer: Prioritize Your Wellness! Jun 27, 2024

Oh sweet summer, I am reminded how busy you actually are! Summer is typically looked at as the time to sit back and relax, but with kids being home and so many activities to go to, it can feel exhausting pretty quickly! Here are my tips to enjoy the summer while also prioritizing your mental...

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Happy Summer Solstice 2024 Jun 24, 2024

Summer Solstice is a time to reflect, a time to evaluate self-growth, purpose and meaning.    

At this celebratory time of year seeds are planted in the Earth as well as in our souls.  

At Solstice (1:50PM PST June 20th, 2024), the sun brightens our skies more...

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Gratitude Turns What We Have Into Enough ā€“ Annonomyous Jun 18, 2024

I talk about GRATITUDE a lot!   

I believe gratitude is the antidote for most ALL ailments and is the gateway to joy and happiness. 

However, when I teach about gratitude, the concept can be surprisingly unsettling for some.  Why?  Well, because many can readily...

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You may delay, but time will not. Jun 03, 2024

We are halfway through 2024 already!

Time does not wait for anyone.  The older I get the more of an impact this truth has upon my life.  My dreams keep multiplying while the days remaining to accomplish them are dwindling.  

I’ve come to recognize that when I desire...

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Each of us has been blessed with a purpose that makes our heart sing. May 27, 2024

For the first few decades of my life I envied all of those around me who understood their calling.  I craved to live out my passion.   I wondered how they heard their calling when I remained so unsure, unproductive, lost and insecure.  

At that time I was one of...

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Realizing Your Strengths May 16, 2024

 Let's chat about the importance of reflecting on our life experiences and uncovering our hidden strengths.

Have you ever found yourself immersed in something for years on end? Maybe it's your job, your marriage, or a hobby that lights a fire in your soul. Personally, I have remained...

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Happy Motherā€™s Day May 12, 2024

Mother’s Day is hands down my absolute favorite day of the year.  Being a mom continues to be my greatest joy in this one beautiful, and wild, life.  Sidenote: the enjoyment of the holiday quadrupled for me once becoming a mom.  I’ll explain.

Mother’s Day is a day...

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YOU are the Storyteller of Your Own Life May 09, 2024

Let's chat about the power of owning your narrative and shaping your destiny. YOU are the protagonist of your own tale. Just like the authors of the greatest novels, you have the power to shape your narrative. How? By drawing from your experiences, both good and bad, and weaving them into the...

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